Roman Empire 27 BCE - 600 CE

Approximate Boundaries and Dates of Silk Road Empires




DC_Title Roman Empire 27 BCE - 600 CE
DC_Subject_Specific Roman Empire
DC_Description Approximate Boundaries and Dates of Silk Road Empires
DC_Source Atlas Des Peuples D'Orient;GeoHistory CD
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Dataset
DC_Format TimeMap Dataset
DC_Publisher ECAI
DC_Contributor_CorporateName ECAI Central, UC Berkeley
DC_Contributor_PersonalName Zerneke, Jeanette
DC_Coverage_X_min 9.8
DC_Coverage_X_max 41.1
DC_Coverage_Y_min 23
DC_Coverage_Y_max 55.9
DC_Coverage_T_Early 0000-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_T_Late 0600-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Silk Road; Middle East; Iraq
ECAI_Team Silk Road
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