1900 Map showing tick quarantine boundaries and inspection fence, Queensland (NLA)

A Map showing tick quarantine boundaries and inspection fence, Queensland 1900 scanned and fitted to modern map co-ordinates by volunteers at the Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney. Sydney, 2001




DC_Title 1900 Map showing tick quarantine boundaries and inspection fence, Queensland (NLA)
DC_Subject_Specific Maps: Australia: Southern Australia: Tasmania: National Library of Australia Rare Maps Digitisation Project;Historical Maps; Images; Map shows southern half of Australia and Indian Ocean
DC_Description A Map showing tick quarantine boundaries and inspection fence, Queensland 1900 scanned and fitted to modern map co-ordinates by volunteers at the Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney. Sydney, 2001
DC_Source The Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Image
DC_Format TimeMap Dataset
DC_Relation_Type IsPartOf
DC_Relation_Identifier National Library of Australia Rare Maps Digitisation Project. http://www.nla.gov.au
DC_Publisher National Library of Australia Rare Maps Digitisation Project
DC_Publisher_Address http://www.nla.gov.au;infoserv@nla.gov.au
DC_Contributor_CorporateName Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney
DC_Contributor_CorporateName_Address University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia;Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney (ACL);http://acl.arts.usyd.edu.au
DC_Contributor_PersonalName Andrew Wilson: Damian Evans: Tyler Griffin
DC_Contributor_PersonalName_Address wilson@acl.archaeology.usyd.edu.au
DC_Coverage_X_min 135.0063
DC_Coverage_X_max 154.2301
DC_Coverage_Y_min -31.4121
DC_Coverage_Y_max -18.7702
DC_Coverage_T_Early 1900
DC_Coverage_T_Late 1900
DC_Coverage_PeriodName Modern
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Australia
ECAI_Team Australia
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