Radcliffe-Brown's Estimated Aboriginal Population 1788 (Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia)
欄位 | 值 |
DC_Title | Radcliffe-Brown's Estimated Aboriginal Population 1788 (Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia) |
DC_Subject_Specific | Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia |
DC_Description | Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia Dataset |
DC_Language | eng |
DC_Type | Dataset |
DC_Format | TimeMap Dataset |
DC_Publisher | Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia |
DC_Contributor_CorporateName | Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney |
DC_Coverage_X_min | 115.981 |
DC_Coverage_X_max | 153.624 |
DC_Coverage_Y_min | -36.157 |
DC_Coverage_Y_max | -9.39 |
DC_Coverage_T_Early | -50000-01-01T00:00:00 |
DC_Coverage_T_Late | 2050-01-01T00:00:00 |
DC_Coverage_PeriodName | Modern |
DC_Coverage_PlaceName | Australia |
ECAI_Team | Australia |
spatial |
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{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[115.981,-36.157],[153.624,-36.157],[153.624,-9.39],[115.981,-9.39],[115.981,-36.157]]]} |