Hartwell China Historical GIS

GIS datasets, ArcView and MapInfo format, for Chinese Historical Administrative Divisions. Period, Tang to Ming.




DC_Title Hartwell China Historical GIS
DC_Subject_Specific China;History;Geography
DC_Description GIS datasets, ArcView and MapInfo format, for Chinese Historical Administrative Divisions. Period, Tang to Ming.
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Dataset
DC_Format WWW pages - static
DC_Publisher CHGIS;China Historical GIS
DC_Publisher_Address Harvard Yenching Inst;20 VanSerg Hall, 25 Francis Ave, Cambridge MA 02138;http://fas.harvard.edu/~chgis
DC_Contributor_CorporateName_Address Lex Berman
DC_Date_Created 1994-1996
DC_Date_Issued 2-Apr-01
DC_Coverage_X_min 70
DC_Coverage_X_max 140
DC_Coverage_Y_min 15
DC_Coverage_Y_max 55
DC_Coverage_T_Early 741
DC_Coverage_T_Late 1391
DC_Coverage_PeriodName Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming
DC_Coverage_PlaceName China
DC_Coverage_Spatial_Resolution 1:1,000,000 base maps
ECAI_Team China
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