Rivers - Iraq Region

Rivers of the Iraq region




DC_Title Rivers - Iraq Region
DC_Subject_Specific Rivers, Iraq region, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt;Iraq, History
DC_Description Rivers of the Iraq region
DC_Description_History Created from ESRI World Basemap Data: Geographic Coordinates (NAD 83); Decimal degrees
DC_Source ESRI World Basemap Data;Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, California, URL: www.esri.com/index.html, 2000-2003.
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Dataset
DC_Format TimeMap Dataset
DC_Publisher ECAI Central
DC_Contributor_CorporateName ECAI Central, UC Berkeley
DC_Contributor_PersonalName Carl, Kim
DC_Coverage_X_min -180
DC_Coverage_X_max 180
DC_Coverage_Y_min -90
DC_Coverage_Y_max 90
DC_Coverage_T_Early 0000-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_T_Late 2003-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_PeriodName Modern
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Iraq
ECAI_Team Silk Road
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