North American Missions: History of the development of the North American French and Spanish Missions

History of the development of the North American French and Spanish Missions




DC_Title North American Missions: History of the development of the North American French and Spanish Missions
DC_Creator_CorporateName ECAI
DC_Subject_Specific Missionaries of the French and Spanish Missions in North America|Commodities produced at North American Missions|Indian Tribes Associated with North American Missions|French and Spanish Missions in North America|Rivers of the World (Low Res)|States o
DC_Description History of the development of the North American French and Spanish Missions
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Dataset
DC_Format Timemap Dataset
DC_Publisher John Corrigan, Tracy Leavelle, Jeanette Zerneke
DC_Contributor_CorporateName ECAI Central, UC Berkeley
DC_Contributor_PersonalName North America and ECAI Central
DC_Coverage_X_min -134.19084
DC_Coverage_X_max -54.80827
DC_Coverage_Y_min 17.31153
DC_Coverage_Y_max 72.1419
DC_Coverage_T_Early 1500
DC_Coverage_T_Late 1950
DC_Coverage_PlaceName North America
ECAI_Team North America
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