Gran Colombia Geo Data 1998 A: Prototype of Colombian historic atlas

Prototype of Colombian historic atlas

Data and Resources

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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Gran Colombia Geo Data 1998 A: Prototype of Colombian historic atlas
DC_Creator_CorporateName Studio Brando
DC_Subject_Specific Keymap (World Scale, Bitmap, 6K)|Worldwide 1km Digital Elevation Model (TimeMap project)|Countries of the World (Hi-Res)|Rivers of the World (Low Res)|Cities of the World (low-res)|TimeMap Example MapSpace Zoom Guide Dataset|Historical Points|World S
DC_Description Prototype of Colombian historic atlas
DC_Language spa
DC_Format TimeMap MapSpace
DC_Publisher Pasquale Brando
DC_Contributor_PersonalName Pasquale Brando
DC_Coverage_X_min -171.8487
DC_Coverage_X_max 17.85961
DC_Coverage_Y_min -61.46333
DC_Coverage_Y_max 83.596
DC_Coverage_T_Early 1000
DC_Coverage_T_Late 2050
ECAI_Team None or Unknown
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