Pakistan, Main Monastery Takht-i-Bahi plan

The Buddhist monastic complex of Takht-i-Bahi (Throne of Origins) was founded in the early 1st century. Owing to its location on the crest of a high hill, it escaped successive invasions and is still exceptionally well preserved.

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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Pakistan, Main Monastery Takht-i-Bahi plan
DC_Subject_Specific Main Monastery Takht-i-Bahi plan;Buddhist Culture;Pakistan;UNESCO; UNESCO-WHC;World Heritage Site
DC_Description The Buddhist monastic complex of Takht-i-Bahi (Throne of Origins) was founded in the early 1st century. Owing to its location on the crest of a high hill, it escaped successive invasions and is still exceptionally well preserved.
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Image
DC_Format Image;TimeMap Dataset
DC_Publisher UNESCO
DC_Contributor_CorporateName Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney
DC_Coverage_X_min 71.1322
DC_Coverage_X_max 71.1342
DC_Coverage_Y_min 34.0651
DC_Coverage_Y_max 34.0679
DC_Coverage_T_Early 0000-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_T_Late 0700-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_PeriodName Early 1st Century A.D. until late 6th Century A.D.
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Pakistan
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