Nepal, Kathmandu city, Monuments site plan

At the crossroads of the great civilizations of Asia, seven groups of Hindu and Buddhist monuments, as well as the three residential and palace areas of the royal cities of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhadgaon, illustrate Nepalese art at its height. Among t

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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Nepal, Kathmandu city, Monuments site plan
DC_Subject_Specific Kathmandu city, Monuments site plan;Various Monuments of a number of civilizations and cultures;Nepal;UNESCO; UNESCO-WHC;World Heritage Site
DC_Description At the crossroads of the great civilizations of Asia, seven groups of Hindu and Buddhist monuments, as well as the three residential and palace areas of the royal cities of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhadgaon, illustrate Nepalese art at its height. Among t
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Image
DC_Format Image;TimeMap Dataset
DC_Publisher UNESCO
DC_Contributor_CorporateName Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney
DC_Coverage_X_min 85.2478
DC_Coverage_X_max 85.2672
DC_Coverage_Y_min 27.7118
DC_Coverage_Y_max 27.7391
DC_Coverage_T_Early 0000-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_T_Late 2003-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_PeriodName Various Dates
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Kathmandu, Nepal
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