Iran, Tchogha Zanbil site plan

The ruins of the holy city of the Kingdom of Elam, surrounded by three huge concentric walls, are found at Tchogha Zanbil. Founded c. 1250 B.C., the city remained unfinished after it was invaded by Ashurbanipal, as shown by the thousands of unused br

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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Iran, Tchogha Zanbil site plan
DC_Subject_Specific Tchogha Zanbil Reservoir site plan;Kingdom of Elam;Iran;UNESCO; UNESCO-WHC;World Heritage Site
DC_Description The ruins of the holy city of the Kingdom of Elam, surrounded by three huge concentric walls, are found at Tchogha Zanbil. Founded c. 1250 B.C., the city remained unfinished after it was invaded by Ashurbanipal, as shown by the thousands of unused br
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Image
DC_Format Image;TimeMap Dataset
DC_Publisher UNESCO
DC_Contributor_CorporateName Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney
DC_Coverage_X_min 48.5332
DC_Coverage_X_max 48.5338
DC_Coverage_Y_min 32.0164
DC_Coverage_Y_max 32.0167
DC_Coverage_T_Early -1250-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_T_Late -0640-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_PeriodName 13th Century BC to the 7th Century BC
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Tchogha Zanbil, Iran
ECAI_Team Worldwide
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