Gans Mexican Stamps - Historical Context: Empires and historical sites of Mexico from 1500 BCE to 1521 CE


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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Gans Mexican Stamps - Historical Context: Empires and historical sites of Mexico from 1500 BCE to 1521 CE
DC_Creator_CorporateName University of Califonria Berkeley
DC_Subject_Specific Aztec Empire - 1521 CE|Mayan Empire - 250 BCE to 1000 CE|Mayan Empire - 1000 BCE|Zapotec and Mixtec - 500 BCE to 1521 CE|Olmec Culture - 1200 to 400 BCE|Teotihuacan Empire - 150 BCE to 750 CE|Classic Veracruz and Huaxtec Culture - 300 to 1450 CE|West
DC_Format TimeMap MapSpace
DC_Publisher ECAI Central
DC_Contributor_CorporateName ECAI Central, UC Berkeley
DC_Contributor_PersonalName Zerneke, Jeanette
DC_Coverage_X_min -117.44088
DC_Coverage_X_max -84.70005
DC_Coverage_Y_min 9.34638
DC_Coverage_Y_max 33.91018
DC_Coverage_T_Early -1500
DC_Coverage_T_Late 1600
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Mexico
ECAI_Team Mexico;North America
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