Iraq Empires 3000 to 2000 BCE


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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Iraq Empires 3000 to 2000 BCE
DC_Subject_Specific Countries of the World (Medium-Res)|Rivers - Iraq Region|Countries of the World (Southwest Asia)|Ur III Empire 2112-2004 BCE|Akkadian Empire: Sargon 2334 BCE|Water Bodies - Iraq Region|Sumerian Early Dynastic Period 2900 to 2334 BCE|
DC_Format TimeMap MapSpace
DC_Publisher ECAI Central
DC_Contributor_CorporateName ECAI Central, UC Berkeley
DC_Contributor_PersonalName Zerneke, Jeanette
DC_Coverage_X_min 14.21948
DC_Coverage_X_max 71.72804
DC_Coverage_Y_min 12.00255
DC_Coverage_Y_max 54.39327
DC_Coverage_T_Early -3000
DC_Coverage_T_Late -2000
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Iraq
ECAI_Team Silk Road
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