Iraq Historic Sites: Archaeological sites, Unesco world heritage sites, and sites of historic events


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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Iraq Historic Sites: Archaeological sites, Unesco world heritage sites, and sites of historic events
DC_Creator_CorporateName UC Berkekey
DC_Subject_Specific Schweizer, G?nther 1977. Map of the Middle East -- Relief & Hydrology|Rivers of the World (Low Res)|Cities of the World (low-res)|Gazetteer of Sasanian Empire Sites from T?binger Map|Alexander the Great Sites|Historic Sites of Iraq|Ziggurats of Mesop
DC_Format TimeMap MapSpace
DC_Publisher ECAI Central
DC_Contributor_CorporateName ECAI Central, UC Berkeley
DC_Contributor_PersonalName ECAI Central
DC_Coverage_X_min 30.19525
DC_Coverage_X_max 57.16319
DC_Coverage_Y_min 22.8805
DC_Coverage_Y_max 43.75527
DC_Coverage_T_Early -7000
DC_Coverage_T_Late 2003
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Iraq
ECAI_Team Silk Road
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