Iran, Meidan Emam, Esfahan site plan

Built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century, and bordered on all sides by monumental buildings linked by a series of two-storeyed arcades, the site is known for the Royal Mosque, the Mosque of Sheykh Lotfollah, the magnificen

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Additional Info

Field Value
DC_Title Iran, Meidan Emam, Esfahan site plan
DC_Subject_Specific Meidan Emam;Safavid era;Iran;UNESCO; UNESCO-WHC;World Heritage Site
DC_Description Built by Shah Abbas I the Great at the beginning of the 17th century, and bordered on all sides by monumental buildings linked by a series of two-storeyed arcades, the site is known for the Royal Mosque, the Mosque of Sheykh Lotfollah, the magnificen
DC_Language eng
DC_Type Image
DC_Format Image;TimeMap Dataset
DC_Publisher UNESCO
DC_Contributor_CorporateName Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney
DC_Coverage_X_min 51.6488
DC_Coverage_X_max 51.6508
DC_Coverage_Y_min 32.6321
DC_Coverage_Y_max 32.6349
DC_Coverage_T_Early 1612-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_T_Late 1619-01-01T00:00:00
DC_Coverage_PeriodName 15th Century to the beginning of the 17th Century
DC_Coverage_PlaceName Esfahan, Iran
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